Post the Lok Sabha 2019 Indian electoral debacle, the Congress Working Committee (CWC) met yesterday. After the meeting, in the CWC press conference, it was announced that Rahul Gandhi had offered to resign as Congress Party President. But the CWC members unanimously and in one voice rejected the resignation offer. Nothing unusual so far. However, the next statements made were outrageous. It seems the CWC requested Rahul Gandhi to continue as Congress President as during these challenging times the party very much needed his leadership and guidance. What?
Look at these articles in Economic Times and Daily Hunt to get a glimpse of Rahul’s common sense and intelligence. It shows the arrogance of the Congress party and is perennially in self-denial. Such kind of an attitude and behavior drew scorn and ire from nation loving citizens for several decades. But now since Congress is not in power such behavior instead of drawing anger it sounds highly humorous and makes one roll on the floor laughing. I think Kapil Sharma should be forewarned that his comedy show is in for some serious competition from Congress party and its antics as long as Rahul Gandhi remains as its President.
For the last 50 years, Amethi has been a bastion of his family and he has been elected from the constituency for the last 15 years. Just look at the work he has done for his constituency in 15 years. If he cannot look after a single constituency how can anyone expect him to serve the entire nation? In 10 years of UPA rule under Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, Rahul did not have the guts to take up any post or ministry and demonstrate his administrative skills. But now he aspires to be given the nation’s top post. It sends shivers down my spine and gives me worst nightmare if even for a moment I happen to think what if the people of the country had given the majority to Congress and UPA. The citizens of India have been spared of such a calamity for the past 5 years and now for the next 5 years.
I personally feel that Rahul Gandhi remaining as a President of the Congress party is a great asset to BJP. It also undermines the credibility of even some of the most learned members of the Congress party such as Shashi Tharoor or P.Chidambaram as one can clearly see that these people put their allegiance to the Nehru-Gandhi family much above than their allegiance to the nation. As a little boy in 1975 during the period of emergency, since that time I have been dreaming, aspiring and wishing that the Congress party reaches the state what it has reached today. If Prime Minister Narendra Modi stands for pro incumbency and strong positive forces, thanks to Rahul Gandhi for weakening the negative, anti-national, dynastic, casteist and divisive forces.
Thank you CWC for retaining Rahul Gandhi as President, even after he leading the party to doom and disaster for the second consecutive time. Long live the President of Congress Party.
Look at these articles in Economic Times and Daily Hunt to get a glimpse of Rahul’s common sense and intelligence. It shows the arrogance of the Congress party and is perennially in self-denial. Such kind of an attitude and behavior drew scorn and ire from nation loving citizens for several decades. But now since Congress is not in power such behavior instead of drawing anger it sounds highly humorous and makes one roll on the floor laughing. I think Kapil Sharma should be forewarned that his comedy show is in for some serious competition from Congress party and its antics as long as Rahul Gandhi remains as its President.
For the last 50 years, Amethi has been a bastion of his family and he has been elected from the constituency for the last 15 years. Just look at the work he has done for his constituency in 15 years. If he cannot look after a single constituency how can anyone expect him to serve the entire nation? In 10 years of UPA rule under Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, Rahul did not have the guts to take up any post or ministry and demonstrate his administrative skills. But now he aspires to be given the nation’s top post. It sends shivers down my spine and gives me worst nightmare if even for a moment I happen to think what if the people of the country had given the majority to Congress and UPA. The citizens of India have been spared of such a calamity for the past 5 years and now for the next 5 years.
I personally feel that Rahul Gandhi remaining as a President of the Congress party is a great asset to BJP. It also undermines the credibility of even some of the most learned members of the Congress party such as Shashi Tharoor or P.Chidambaram as one can clearly see that these people put their allegiance to the Nehru-Gandhi family much above than their allegiance to the nation. As a little boy in 1975 during the period of emergency, since that time I have been dreaming, aspiring and wishing that the Congress party reaches the state what it has reached today. If Prime Minister Narendra Modi stands for pro incumbency and strong positive forces, thanks to Rahul Gandhi for weakening the negative, anti-national, dynastic, casteist and divisive forces.
Thank you CWC for retaining Rahul Gandhi as President, even after he leading the party to doom and disaster for the second consecutive time. Long live the President of Congress Party.
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